List of a few deep Twitter quotes that you must know about!

Deep Twitter Quotes About Love

1. "When you love someone, all your fear and worry disappear."

2. "Love is a verb, not a noun."

3. "If you really love someone, the last thing you want to do is hurt them."

4. "True love never fails."

5. "Love makes the world go round!" 

6. "I love you more than bacon."

7. "Some people just want to watch the world burn."

8. "Love is water, drink up and always be dripping."

9. "You're not in love to get, you're in love because of the person that they are."

10. "Love yourself before loving someone else and you will attract more people into your life who fit themselves with your personality and needs."

11. “There is a fine line between madness and genius”

12. "Life without finding new friends would be like sleepwalking through an empty" 

13. "Love is the name, love is the game and you promised me forever."

14. "Small changes can lead to positive results"

15. "True love shows no signs of ageing"

Deep Twitter Quotes About Friendship 

1. Friendship lasts longest when it is chosen and not given.

2. The best way to find out if a person really likes you is to trust them with your heart and let them do the same with you.

3. True friendship is finding someone who understands you, even when you don't understand yourself. 

4. A friend is someone who knows your faults but still loves you anyway. 

5. Friendship isn't hard to get if you're already a loser. 

6. You can believe what you want about your friends, but don't confuse them by changing just to make yourself happy! 

7. One can’t define friendship by the numbers that you show in a week, it is how much time and consideration you give them to see if they deserve this title! 

8. It's not true love until someone hates your guts because of who you are or what you do.

Deep Twitter Quotes About Life

1. "life is hard, but it's also full of surprises" 

2. "sometimes the hardest thing in life is learning to let go" 

3. "life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter" 

4. "everything will change, but sometimes good things fall apart so that great things can fall together" 

5. "life happens and you have to roll with the punches, always"

6. "life is so fragile that the slightest scratch can lead to a bruise" 

7. "Sometimes life surprises you even when you think its best never to have anyone involved in it." 

8. "to manage life and to have a nice time do not wait for things but enjoy them!" 

9. "life is way too short for your personality traits, so I guess you must alter what you're doing."

Conclusion - 

In this article, you will understand the deep Twitter quotes that is on Twitter now.

That's all for now! See you later with a different topic! Till that keep the conversation going in the comment section below.


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